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Cavalier King Charles Spaniel – Attractive Dog breeds

A group of domesticated animals with similar behavior, similar appearance or the characteristics that distinguish it from other organisms of the same species is called a breed. The breed is presumably related by descent from the common ancestors. From prehistoric times, people have been breeding dogs. People used to breed dogs from pre-historic times to perform various tasks like hunting, herding, guarding, etc.  Overview The  Cavalier King Charles Spaniel  was featured in the portraits from 16th to 18th centuries in northern Europe. The Cavaliers were found in the royal courts of Spain, France, England, and Scotland. These dog breeds got the name from England’s kings Charles and his son Charles II. In ancient times, these dog breeds were used to ease out the stress ailments. Care As the coat of this special breed is not heavy they do not require hours of brushing. They shed dirt easily. The silky hair should be brushed at least three times a week to prevent mats. B

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